Despite trying everything to shake out the bulls, establishment traders on the short tack have failed. And as the canary in the mine, silver catches a bid…
Good Morning Alasdair, Interesting report. Thanks.
Just 2 days ago, whilst enjoying the sunshine a brother of neighbour dropped by and was giving it large about the pensioner heating allowance being cut. Bored with his whining i rather sadisticly said that won't be the only thing they'll lose. Anyway, to make your point about zero public interest, he thought the economy was hunky dory. He doesn't now! Totally brainwashed by the MSM. 🤦🏻♂️
Mitch - All Valid . That said , I am in fact a member of the " One foot on the Banana Skin Club " ( have been for a couple of years ) , so I can sympathise with your neighbour's views on Starmer cutting the OAP Fuel Allowance ( Did your neighbour happen to vote for ' Sir Keir ' ..?? ) - particularly when I see vast swathe's of ' Illegal's ' entering this country , being given free food and board , a free mobile + cash in their pockets - all of which has effectively been stolen from we the tax-paying mugs who over the years have believed successive politicians and blindly voted them back into power time & again to continue their rampant larceny .
From a ' GEORGE ORWELL - ANIMAL FARM ' perspective it's all too easy to recognise the inequality of taking away the OAP Yearly Fuel Allowance - whilst retaining the M.P.'s own
yearly Fuel Allowance of some - £ 4,000 ....?? ( OAP Allowance only a few hundred quid ) .
These ' Establishments ' are all laughing at us whilst merrily robbing us blind - HOW COME .
Indeed so Simon. My mother is 88 and because of the last government's callous move against the OAPs she found herself shunted into by a higher tax bracket by £1. Hence she was cut off from her pension credit. Hunt and his sidekick Soonik have much to answer for but, as you rightly point out, they don't give a flying - *#@ about the electorate. They just pretend to care. This current lot will take this country to its knees faster than you can cross the channel in a rubber dinghy. Milli and needs reigning in. Someone has to get a grip of him and make him explain to us all where he gets his information from for cutting off the gas supply and installing loads of windmills and where his costings are for it all. So far, as far as I understand, his madness is going to cost every single person in the UK an extra £550 a year in energy costs. All our councils are deep in a hole, with no way out so our services are going for a Burton, as they say. They are out of control. No wonder Bailey is staying on. He will be salivating at the thought of firing up the money printers and taking Britain back to the 70s and inflation to the moon with rates at above 15%. Unfortunately, pensioners losing their heating allowance will be the least of their worries
Mitch - Your dear old Mum has clearly been right royally ripped off , as have all of the other OAP's and tax paying members of the electorate - and for countless years .
Our crime is to have a name , and address , a job ( hopefully ) - and increasingly it would clearly appear to be of a pinkish white sort of colour-way . This way we can all easilly be kept track off and fleeced on an ongoing & never ending basis - in the same way as the famous ' Milch Cow ' . Clearly it can't have been lost on you that all of our Politicians and Government Aparatchiks got to retain their own £ 4,000 yearly heating allowance's where as across the board , all of the OAP's had their allowances numbering a handful of hundred's summarilly ripped out of their hand's ...!!
Aye, you're quite right Simon. It hadn't gone unnoticed, I was just not sure I had the figure correct in my head. £4k!😠😠 I bet no one ever asks them live on camera about it either. "Snouts in the trough" is an understatement Parasites on society
Mitch - The simple and all too apparent reason that our " Bought & Paid For " and " In The Pocket Of " Politicians are never asked by any functionary of the mainstream media to justify there own very generous personal benefits is because the exact same ' Money Powers / Corporate Mafia ' Spiders Web are the very people ( ' The Establishment ' ) who are behind the scenes and are funnelling all of the money ( & Scripts ) to Governments and Media alike .
haha I like these personal stories and they fit in with Alasdair Macleod holistic and geopolitical inclusion in his posts. I think though people like Andy Schectman and say Jim Rickards, and especially the site. >Moneysense < go over the top sometimes , even though they have evidence to back their ideas. I saw some one spruiking for gold at 3500 % the other day > that's about .$80,000 /ounce. All posts like that do is confuse starters and annoy the experienced.
Paul - Fair Comment ' BUT ' the figure of $ 80,000 per ounce for Gold isn't in fact that wide of a Stretch - Price will be solely dependant on the level and extent of the up-coming collapse . BILL HOLTER / JIM SINCLAIR ( The Late - ' Mr Gold ' ) calculated a figure of $ 125,000 per ounce 3 - 4 or more years ago dependant upon what the price of Gold would need to be ( If they've in fact got it ..?? ) for the U.S. Treasury to be able to utilise the supposed 8,133 tons that they say are in ' Fort Knox ' & elsewhere at a given percentage of physical backing for the USD .
The other thing to remember ( & as A.M. often harkens back to ) is the Weimar Republic in Germany when 1 x Ounce of Gold which in January 1919 would have cost an individual some 170 x Marks ( Paper Money ) , rose to the giddy heights of - 86.81 Trillion Marks ( Paper money ) by December 2023 . This was the time when German's were burning bundles of currency on the fire as it cost vastly more to use it to buy logs / when a person would literally push a wheelbarrow piled high with paper-money , park it outside the bakers shop & go in to buy a loaf or two - & then come out to find that someone had pinched the barrow & left its contents per a small mountain of cash - dumped in the street . ' OR ' , Alasdair's most oft used reference - when you could buy a swanky 6 x bedroom townhouse in the Berlin equivalent of ' Belgrave Square ' in London , ( where incidentally current day cost is approx GBP / £ 65 x Million + ) , for 4 - 5 x Ounce's in Gold Coins ..etc..etc . A rise in price / value / purchasing power of ' Real Money ' from
a number with 2 x zeros behind it to a number with 12 x zeros behind it over a 4 x year time span makes $ 80,000 look a bit of a cheapo bargain basement price per ounce ..?? .
Needless to say , we'll just have to wait and see how this all eventually pans out and where - " The Chips Ultimately Fall " . Fingers Crossed / Everything Crossed .
He is an NPC. We have nearly 5 million of them in New Zealand out of a population of 5 million. Our Reserve bank interest rate just dropped back 25 points and the exchange rate against $US dollar fell immediately , or yes, just before ] to 0.59 cents.
When I realised I livee with a Nation of slobs. I left.. Being called a coward for that I say > Look you participate in the revolution against woke marxism in New Zealand and I will go to the front line for you , and believe me you will see action. . Otherwise I’m out of here.
Paul -Well Said ......Where are you headed for next and are you there yet ....?? .
Frankly , we had thoughts of emigrating to New Zealand some 14 - 15 x years ago but given all of the ' Utter Shite ' and blatant Totalitarianism & Facism you've been subjected to courtesy of that evil ' Mad Cow ' and her minions - I count myself lucky not to have made the trip . This all said it's essentially just as bad here in the UK and has just got vastly worse now that we've got an
' Utter Cunt ' name of Keir Starmer ruling over us with his jackboot pressed hard down on all of our throats . ' IF ' , I should leave this country then it will be for
' Vlad ' and ' Mother Russia or may be Hungary or Poland ..!!
I always get lost for a long time. An NPC is a [ Non Player Character ] in a video game ot real life. He is a Normie but inactive and does not participate in Society in a meaningfull way. He is small minded in this way. He doesn’t care about the conditions around him unless they affect him. In a video game he is there wandering aoriund doing nothing.
Paul - Thanks for educating me as to what precisely an ' NPC ' happens to be .
Personally I've never played a video game in my life - I don't know what this says about me but it's just not my bag . This said & should I ever get tempted to have a go - at least I'll know some of the Jargon ..!!
How much longer do all of us with eyes to see have to go on enduring this seemingly ongoing and never ending drivel from people who either possess a tiny fraction of your own insights and brain power ' OR ' - more likely who are simply bought & paid for mouth pieces for the usual suspects ..??
Given the multitudinous numbers of ' Black Swan's ' currently encircling us - sufficient to block out the Sun as effectively as the ' Chem Trails ' surely do - Then how can any right minded / thinking individual see this whole system stumbling forward another few weeks or months let alone a few more years until around 2030 sort of time .
If the U.S. debt is increasing by USD/$ 1 x Trillion every 90 - 100 x Days ( USD / $ 4 x Trillion Yearly ) ,
if everyone other than the FED / ESF / UK & Belgian Governments + Cayman Island Hedge Funds
aren't buying ' Fresh Debt ' + ' The World ' is dumping / selling the existing debt they've got as fast as sensibly possible / If ' Gold ' is way below it's current projected inflation adjusted level of USD / $ 27,000 dollars per Ounce - ( I think ..?? ) , and with Silver having been in supply deficit for the past 5 + years & counting / there being a suggested 400% demand increase over the next year or two and with Mexico possibly about to ban open pit mining ......then how can anyone sensibly expect this all to drag on until the end of the year or very much further ..or is the Ordure right now impacting the fan blades with un-wavering velocity ..?? .
The disinterest in what is happening with Gold shows the absolute power of the media. Even very smart people do not understand how their basic patterns of thought are being continually guided and influenced. The wreckage of covid and the plain view coup in the United States have gone largely unchallenged. The Hollywood movie "Don't Look Up" from a few years ago accurately describes the state of the general population - including many traders and money managers - they have been told the comet will hit - they have seen the calculations, they have seen the evidence - but they can't look up and remain captured by the politics and the messaging...
Good Morning Alasdair, Interesting report. Thanks.
Just 2 days ago, whilst enjoying the sunshine a brother of neighbour dropped by and was giving it large about the pensioner heating allowance being cut. Bored with his whining i rather sadisticly said that won't be the only thing they'll lose. Anyway, to make your point about zero public interest, he thought the economy was hunky dory. He doesn't now! Totally brainwashed by the MSM. 🤦🏻♂️
Mitch - All Valid . That said , I am in fact a member of the " One foot on the Banana Skin Club " ( have been for a couple of years ) , so I can sympathise with your neighbour's views on Starmer cutting the OAP Fuel Allowance ( Did your neighbour happen to vote for ' Sir Keir ' ..?? ) - particularly when I see vast swathe's of ' Illegal's ' entering this country , being given free food and board , a free mobile + cash in their pockets - all of which has effectively been stolen from we the tax-paying mugs who over the years have believed successive politicians and blindly voted them back into power time & again to continue their rampant larceny .
From a ' GEORGE ORWELL - ANIMAL FARM ' perspective it's all too easy to recognise the inequality of taking away the OAP Yearly Fuel Allowance - whilst retaining the M.P.'s own
yearly Fuel Allowance of some - £ 4,000 ....?? ( OAP Allowance only a few hundred quid ) .
These ' Establishments ' are all laughing at us whilst merrily robbing us blind - HOW COME .
Indeed so Simon. My mother is 88 and because of the last government's callous move against the OAPs she found herself shunted into by a higher tax bracket by £1. Hence she was cut off from her pension credit. Hunt and his sidekick Soonik have much to answer for but, as you rightly point out, they don't give a flying - *#@ about the electorate. They just pretend to care. This current lot will take this country to its knees faster than you can cross the channel in a rubber dinghy. Milli and needs reigning in. Someone has to get a grip of him and make him explain to us all where he gets his information from for cutting off the gas supply and installing loads of windmills and where his costings are for it all. So far, as far as I understand, his madness is going to cost every single person in the UK an extra £550 a year in energy costs. All our councils are deep in a hole, with no way out so our services are going for a Burton, as they say. They are out of control. No wonder Bailey is staying on. He will be salivating at the thought of firing up the money printers and taking Britain back to the 70s and inflation to the moon with rates at above 15%. Unfortunately, pensioners losing their heating allowance will be the least of their worries
Mitch - Your dear old Mum has clearly been right royally ripped off , as have all of the other OAP's and tax paying members of the electorate - and for countless years .
Our crime is to have a name , and address , a job ( hopefully ) - and increasingly it would clearly appear to be of a pinkish white sort of colour-way . This way we can all easilly be kept track off and fleeced on an ongoing & never ending basis - in the same way as the famous ' Milch Cow ' . Clearly it can't have been lost on you that all of our Politicians and Government Aparatchiks got to retain their own £ 4,000 yearly heating allowance's where as across the board , all of the OAP's had their allowances numbering a handful of hundred's summarilly ripped out of their hand's ...!!
Aye, you're quite right Simon. It hadn't gone unnoticed, I was just not sure I had the figure correct in my head. £4k!😠😠 I bet no one ever asks them live on camera about it either. "Snouts in the trough" is an understatement Parasites on society
Mitch - The simple and all too apparent reason that our " Bought & Paid For " and " In The Pocket Of " Politicians are never asked by any functionary of the mainstream media to justify there own very generous personal benefits is because the exact same ' Money Powers / Corporate Mafia ' Spiders Web are the very people ( ' The Establishment ' ) who are behind the scenes and are funnelling all of the money ( & Scripts ) to Governments and Media alike .
haha I like these personal stories and they fit in with Alasdair Macleod holistic and geopolitical inclusion in his posts. I think though people like Andy Schectman and say Jim Rickards, and especially the site. >Moneysense < go over the top sometimes , even though they have evidence to back their ideas. I saw some one spruiking for gold at 3500 % the other day > that's about .$80,000 /ounce. All posts like that do is confuse starters and annoy the experienced.
Paul - Fair Comment ' BUT ' the figure of $ 80,000 per ounce for Gold isn't in fact that wide of a Stretch - Price will be solely dependant on the level and extent of the up-coming collapse . BILL HOLTER / JIM SINCLAIR ( The Late - ' Mr Gold ' ) calculated a figure of $ 125,000 per ounce 3 - 4 or more years ago dependant upon what the price of Gold would need to be ( If they've in fact got it ..?? ) for the U.S. Treasury to be able to utilise the supposed 8,133 tons that they say are in ' Fort Knox ' & elsewhere at a given percentage of physical backing for the USD .
The other thing to remember ( & as A.M. often harkens back to ) is the Weimar Republic in Germany when 1 x Ounce of Gold which in January 1919 would have cost an individual some 170 x Marks ( Paper Money ) , rose to the giddy heights of - 86.81 Trillion Marks ( Paper money ) by December 2023 . This was the time when German's were burning bundles of currency on the fire as it cost vastly more to use it to buy logs / when a person would literally push a wheelbarrow piled high with paper-money , park it outside the bakers shop & go in to buy a loaf or two - & then come out to find that someone had pinched the barrow & left its contents per a small mountain of cash - dumped in the street . ' OR ' , Alasdair's most oft used reference - when you could buy a swanky 6 x bedroom townhouse in the Berlin equivalent of ' Belgrave Square ' in London , ( where incidentally current day cost is approx GBP / £ 65 x Million + ) , for 4 - 5 x Ounce's in Gold Coins ..etc..etc . A rise in price / value / purchasing power of ' Real Money ' from
a number with 2 x zeros behind it to a number with 12 x zeros behind it over a 4 x year time span makes $ 80,000 look a bit of a cheapo bargain basement price per ounce ..?? .
Needless to say , we'll just have to wait and see how this all eventually pans out and where - " The Chips Ultimately Fall " . Fingers Crossed / Everything Crossed .
He's probably an NPC!
Alright, it's probably so very obvious but I can't get my brain in gear tonight. What's an NPC?
He is an NPC. We have nearly 5 million of them in New Zealand out of a population of 5 million. Our Reserve bank interest rate just dropped back 25 points and the exchange rate against $US dollar fell immediately , or yes, just before ] to 0.59 cents.
Yeah I believe you - that's how that horse-faced tart got into power LOL. WEF stooge like all the rest.
When I realised I livee with a Nation of slobs. I left.. Being called a coward for that I say > Look you participate in the revolution against woke marxism in New Zealand and I will go to the front line for you , and believe me you will see action. . Otherwise I’m out of here.
Paul -Well Said ......Where are you headed for next and are you there yet ....?? .
Frankly , we had thoughts of emigrating to New Zealand some 14 - 15 x years ago but given all of the ' Utter Shite ' and blatant Totalitarianism & Facism you've been subjected to courtesy of that evil ' Mad Cow ' and her minions - I count myself lucky not to have made the trip . This all said it's essentially just as bad here in the UK and has just got vastly worse now that we've got an
' Utter Cunt ' name of Keir Starmer ruling over us with his jackboot pressed hard down on all of our throats . ' IF ' , I should leave this country then it will be for
' Vlad ' and ' Mother Russia or may be Hungary or Poland ..!!
" That Horse Faced Tart " - succinct & straight for the Juglar ....Wonderful ..??
Same Question - What exactly is an ' NPC '
I always get lost for a long time. An NPC is a [ Non Player Character ] in a video game ot real life. He is a Normie but inactive and does not participate in Society in a meaningfull way. He is small minded in this way. He doesn’t care about the conditions around him unless they affect him. In a video game he is there wandering aoriund doing nothing.
Paul - Thanks for educating me as to what precisely an ' NPC ' happens to be .
Personally I've never played a video game in my life - I don't know what this says about me but it's just not my bag . This said & should I ever get tempted to have a go - at least I'll know some of the Jargon ..!!
Sorry to show my obvious ignorance - [but what's an ' NPC ' ..?? ( Please Advise )
"gold was $1642"
Man you had me worried for a moment Mr. Macleod. Have a great weekend!
Typo! Sorry about that!
A typographic error, no doubt :-)
As Del Boy said "Don't you ever do that to me again Rodney. I'll be up all night with heartburn"
Haha But he was talking about the UK so no worry .
How much longer do all of us with eyes to see have to go on enduring this seemingly ongoing and never ending drivel from people who either possess a tiny fraction of your own insights and brain power ' OR ' - more likely who are simply bought & paid for mouth pieces for the usual suspects ..??
Given the multitudinous numbers of ' Black Swan's ' currently encircling us - sufficient to block out the Sun as effectively as the ' Chem Trails ' surely do - Then how can any right minded / thinking individual see this whole system stumbling forward another few weeks or months let alone a few more years until around 2030 sort of time .
If the U.S. debt is increasing by USD/$ 1 x Trillion every 90 - 100 x Days ( USD / $ 4 x Trillion Yearly ) ,
if everyone other than the FED / ESF / UK & Belgian Governments + Cayman Island Hedge Funds
aren't buying ' Fresh Debt ' + ' The World ' is dumping / selling the existing debt they've got as fast as sensibly possible / If ' Gold ' is way below it's current projected inflation adjusted level of USD / $ 27,000 dollars per Ounce - ( I think ..?? ) , and with Silver having been in supply deficit for the past 5 + years & counting / there being a suggested 400% demand increase over the next year or two and with Mexico possibly about to ban open pit mining ......then how can anyone sensibly expect this all to drag on until the end of the year or very much further ..or is the Ordure right now impacting the fan blades with un-wavering velocity ..?? .
Thank you Alasdair.
The disinterest in what is happening with Gold shows the absolute power of the media. Even very smart people do not understand how their basic patterns of thought are being continually guided and influenced. The wreckage of covid and the plain view coup in the United States have gone largely unchallenged. The Hollywood movie "Don't Look Up" from a few years ago accurately describes the state of the general population - including many traders and money managers - they have been told the comet will hit - they have seen the calculations, they have seen the evidence - but they can't look up and remain captured by the politics and the messaging...
Tick, tock, tick, tock.....