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The " Firm undertones for gold and silver " are welcome - had just hoped we'd have been seeing a bit more traction to see the metal's on their way higher .

As regards , " There is little happening on the economic front " - don't you think we'll be seeing a lot in the way of ' Fireworks ' pretty soon ..?? . Personally , I don't actually see how the Fed can cut rate's in the near future , so the uplift that the stock markets look to have priced in already might cause a bit of a downdraft or something worse . Added to this we've got the JPY being crushed , likewise the main street Japanese economy + we've got the spectre of Norinchukin wobbling and looking to keel over + likely followed by Mizuho , Sumitome et al ( assuming they're similarly exposed ..?? ) ..etc

Norinchukin looks every bit like it may the instigator of a latter day ' Credit Anstalt Moment ' and be the dominoe that takes down the japanese system followed by everyone else ' OR ' am I getting over excitable and reading more into this than I should ..??

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Hi Simon, Norinchuckin, what a great name. Sounds like it should be a wee village in the Scottish Highlands 😏. I did read in another report last week, re this Bank, that the others were not best pleased they had "spilled the beans". I deduced from that remark that they were in a similar position (mess) but didn't want the "cat oot o' the bag " just so soon. I also see fiat currencies are sliding against gold again too. Singapore opens tomorrow doesn't it. I wonder what damage will be done before the west wakes up on Monday 🤔

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MITCH - Per your likening of ' Norinchukin ' to a wee highland village . I can see this as well , but my first thought was that it possibly referred to an industrial town in deepest Ukraine where the U.S. were operating some ' Bio Labs ' out of ..??

Likewise per the - " Spilling of the Beans " , but rather think that it didn't really need

' Norinchukin ' to make public that they were the " First Horse Out Of the Gate " on the way to the glue factory - as any clued up observer taking an over-view of the wild actions of the JCB and Japanese Government for the past 30+ years, must have seen this coming - and likely expected the SHTF moment would have occurred many years previous to now . As regards the oncoming " damage " that we may see come monday morning - it could be that a number of these bright boys and girls might be looking for a parapet to hurl themselve's off whilst venting their bowels all the way down to the pavement below ,

We can but hope ..!!

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One observation as regards the U.S. elections; there are internal Democratic politics as well as legal/financial difficulties that make replacing Biden difficult. Another problem is Harris would be the presumptive replacement, and she is quite unpopular. There aren't enough "Never Trumpers" to put her over the top, and even here in one of the outer boroughs of NYC, many who don't want either Biden or trump will vote Kennedy, which actually hurts the Democrats. bAt least, such is what I am hearing/reading; for whatever that may be worth.

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Thanks again Alasdair.

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The political climate in the US is heating up with the far right agenda on clear display with the Republican Project 2025 coming out of the Heritage Foundation and also fueled by Orban's relationship with the GOP Suggest https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/july-4-2024

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Far right? HAHA!! Are you aware that Trump was a Democrat for most of his life? What you seem to feel is far right was mainstream not too long ago, at least from the perspective of a 70 year old. I looked at your link, and gave up after the first 2 paragraphs.

Obama declared a U.S. citizen a terrorist and droned a Yemeni wedding party to kill him. No court order or trial was needed. Should he be prosecuted? What about "Bush lied and people died"? Should he be up for prosecution after it all? Ms. Richardson is factually incorrect because the ruling leaves open the ability for impeachment and conviction for high crimes.

The problem was not the immunity, but the way the ruling was implemented. Some constitutional lawyers believe that the ruling should have been implemented such that criminal prosecution should depend on impeachment and subsequent conviction by the Senate. (While Trump was impeached, he was never convicted by the Senate).

The problem is that without some form of immunity the President, whoever he may be and regardless of party, is left open to "lawfare" on any decision he may make years after the fact. Look at the nonsense about the so-called classified documents case in Florida. How can the head of the executive branch be told by those who are effectively his underlings he is not allowed to have some documents in his possession? Meanwhile, a former vice-president is not liable for prosecution due to incompetence while holding the presidency.

I most assuredly agree with you that our politics is heating up, and has become a serious joke. Sadly, the joke is also on the entire planet given our economic and political power.

You are more than welcome to dislike Trump, by the way. Unfortunately, he is a symptom of how far we have fallen from our ideals; not like we ever seriously lived up to them before. The use of the term "far right" just seems to indicate your belief in, and acceptance of, the power structure currently in control. When elected (yes, I expect him to win), I doubt very much Trump will be able to change much. The U.S. will continue its decline, and little will change until Great depression 2.0. No, I will make no predictions on when it will finally occur. I agree with Yogi Berra,"Predictions are hard, especially about the future".

Stay well, sir.

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I always enjoy links to other viewpoints. I'm not familiar with Ms. Richardson. Just reading through it

"Central to that project for Roberts has been working to bring the policies of Hungary’s president Viktor Orbán, a close ally of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, to the United States"

Because Orban is willing to talk with Putin and acknowledge Russian interests as being as legitimate as US/EU interests, I don't think that make him an ally of president Putin.

Similarly, the comments: "He wants to replace the multiculturalism at the heart of democracy with Christian culture" seems revealing. I've never really understood Multiculturalism as being at the heart of "democracy". On the contrary, it could well be argued that only a homogenous society can hope for function as a "democracy" without descending into faction and a scramble for advantage.

Going further, I'm not even sure that "democracy" should be considered the overriding goal or standard of political goodness. After all, the US is a Republic and it can be argued that it is our moves to push "democracy" that has contributed to it's failure.

I can't help wondering how things might be different in the US if Senators were still elected by state legislatures to represent the interests of the State. What, after all is the point of 2 popularly elected chambers of representatives especially when outside money can exert such leverage in State elections ?

I am more inclined to think these days, that the future of the US lies in a return to a stronger assertion of States rights and State sovereignty. Why should people in NY have anything to say about how people in Oklahoma live ?

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