Could it be possible that finally the market is beginning to price Gold as Real Money more so than just another ( albeit significant) commodity, as it has always been perceived to be

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Alasdair thank you for confirming this, much appreciated...just another thought from my layperson's perspective. Is it possible over succeeding years of QE and obviously more to come ; this has contributed to the US FED'S inability to reign in Inflation ?

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Yes, because it has injected non-producing credit into the economy.

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Excellent thank you again. Has it got to a stage where it has become the proverbial runaway train, possibly no amount of austerity in practical terms can ever possibly control...I imagine if not it must be incredibly close?

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Most definately - the " Magic Money Tree " alongside all of the other fiscal and monetary malfeasance as practiced by the US Treasury , The Fed ....and every other Western Government / Central ( & Commercial ) Bank's is definitely why we're all

well & truly in ' Shit Street ' right now - and it was all engineered by them over many

decade's , possibly hundred's of years , especially since .....Christmas 1913

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So, likely prices for physical here in Germany not coming down? We are up €60/ounce Krügerrand since last Sunday afternoon. Bummer!

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Prices in Germany are way too high for Krügerrand. Check prices in the Netherlands. For example Holland Gold or The Silver Mountain. Additional benefit in NL: you can buy anonymously for € 10.000,--, substantially more than in Germany.

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W.J., thank you. Looking into.

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To say it has almost become an impossibility without extreme austerity..to add to the above

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YES ( again )

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The Feng Shui master has spoken...in the year of the dragon...for reminder, while reading tea leaves and charts, the Tao says: "There should be a balance between the yin and the yang.

You need open pathways for energy to flow. ...

Take the commanding position. ...

Use the five elements. ...

Know the Bagua map...

A Taiji student.

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Just a thought with G7 now onside regarding confiscation of Russia's interest on confiscated reserve currency. Is it a slippery slope towards destroying trust in Financial Institutions controlled by the above mentioned...Is it not inconceivable that Central Banks the World over ( not just BRIC Members ) , will now think seriously about reducing exposure to the USD and also being replying with physical Gold.? Love to hear from anyone with thoughts or opinions...Thank you

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Your point is well made. Jim Rickards thinks Russia could respond by suing Euroclear in Hong Kong where it has an office.

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Jun 15Liked by Alasdair Macleod

I keep repeating this , however credit when credit is due ...Absolutely awesome having a person with your wealth of knowledge/ experience helping us all gain invaluable insight.. Yes I caught that on a YouTube video....that was eye popping, still thinking about consequences of that ...I think I need to grow a third sphere to help my hemispherical Grey matter.

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Quite so , but what intrigues me the most at present ( unless some unrecognised covert reasons ) , is given the mega Chinese inventory of physical + the immense supply side deficicit ( silver especially ) .

why ever would the Chinese actually make moves toward bailing out the 4 x Bullion Banks et al who turned up at the SGE / SFE with begging bowl's in hand a couple of month's ago - which is what a number of other analysts / pundits are alluding to currently , rather than to send them and their all too obvious liquidity issue / trap away empty handed in the same way as they did with Granny Yellen and that moron Tony Blinken a short time ago. Alongside this is a fair degree of chatter saying that J.P.Morgan have been acting as Agents for China per the constant manipulation of Silver through being the ' Heavy Boot ' which has been pressuring Silver's ever downward for many years every time a sniff of moves toward real price discovery come along - until comparatively recently that is ..etc . I've heard / read talk about ' JPM ' being in the pockets of the Chinese for over 12 + years now . Never a lot of talk , and never anything substantive that proves or disproves this assertion either way . How much much longer do you think before we are provided with a definitive answer , and will this be prior to , or after ' Silver ' makes its assumed and long overdue - " Reach For The Sky ....??

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If it was the case that some banks needed "financial assistance" in the silver market, then the PBOC would be interested in avoiding financial dislocation. Furthermore, China has every interest in keeping silver suppressed because it is an industrial cost.

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Apologies for typo * replacing

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