Nice picture of investors waiting for PMs to reach fair value!

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John - Do you also happen to be bobbing around in calm waters , possibly off of Barbuda or another close by .......On a - ' SLOOP ' .... - JOHN B. ..?? . I'll hum it if you'd care to sing it .

YES - very apt descriptive on Alasdair's photo per we member's of the ' P.M. Collective ' .

I might not look quite as emaciated as this yet - but I for sure feel this way .

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Best quote of the week.

‘Back in the real world: On our sailing ship the captain is Ukrainian, and the First Officer is Russian. They seem to work well together. Clearly, the politicians are the problem!’

History clearly demonstrates that never truer words were spoken. Fiat currency is the most toxic substance ever inflicted upon humanity.

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The toxicity of Fiat Currency ...etc - " Never a Truer Word " ..etc

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Oh .. How hellish life has become for our favourite ' Metals & Markets Guru ' ...bobbling about in turquoise waters ..... Ice Cold G & T firmly in hand and a light south westerly pushing you gently toward you next port of call ..etc . This aside and by the looks of the Photo you've sent - you and you're party aren't coping very well on the local; Aegean Diet as you all appear to be losing rather a lot of weight along with massive hair loss . Suggest you get under sail and head toward Mykonos

and greatly up your calorie count with a mountain of chips and a big greasy burger washed down with 2 - 3 x Pints of Guinness - Job Done ..!! . Have a lovely time ( I'm not jealous - truly ) .

French Insurrection : Bring it on - Out with Madame Guillotine & off with Manny's Head ...Result .

UK Election : Come on George & Sir Nige - everything to play for - you'rs to lose .

Skid Marks Joe ; Beautifully descriptive - Just hope this " Cruel Game Of Politics " finishes him off .

JPY : Deary Me , Has the Yen Carry Trader's long awaited ' Hara Kiri ' moment finally arrived ....??

FED : Have Jay Powell and his merry band of misfits actually got any more tools in their little box ..??

Gasoline : At a price of $ 2.575 per Gallon - Daylight Robbery - Thank God I live in the UK .

Skipper & 1st Officer : Working well together - Could be jointly planning to ' Off ' all you passengers and throw you over the side before making off with the booty . Keep your Swiss Army Knife close by

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MORNING HARPUS ( Least ways it is here in ' Blighty ' ,

Thanks for your comment ' BUT ' - I suspect you possibly missed the irony in my comment about the price of ' Gasoline ' over in the USA - and how I was glad to be living in the UK . Just to clarify and alleviate your sense of being treated badly in terms of what you're currently having to pay for ' Gas '; in deepest Oklahoma ..etc..etc .

BUT - The average cost that we poor Mug's are currently having to cough up for every last drop that goes into our tanks , & when converted from £ / Sterling over into -

USD / $ comes out at the princely sum of - $ 8.40 PER GALLON .

' SO ' if you think you've got the raw end of the deal , then may be spare a thought for all we ' Poor Sods ' over here who're being fleeced every time we pull up at the pumps .

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My Pleasure ..

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Thanks for enlightening me

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Judging from the Biden-Trump debate last week, it seems the Dems, the UK Conservatives and Macron in France all seem determined to commit electoral suicide. Or is it just The Fourth Turning?

According to Andrew Bridgen, Sunak had been telling defence chiefs that he did not want to be a wartime PM (so he called a General Election?). What a mess!

By the way, is there room for one more on deck? I can mix a mean martini!

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If Sunak didn't want to be a wartime Pm he is a bit late in day to bring that up. He has ensured that the UK has stayed firmly in the middle of it, where it has been for at least 10 years. So if he did not want to be a PM tainted with the blood if innocents, he should never have taken the job in the first place. No doubt the lure of grandeur with all it's trapping was too much to ignore. He could have taken the UK out by having the balls to stand up to the US but then I suppose he was in too deep on other things by then which could come back to bite if he doesn't do what he is told. If he doesn't come clean with the UK electorate about the whole situation over there then he will always have the stigma of being a wartime PM who took the cowards way out

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The man doesn't even have the sense to use an umbrella in the rain!

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Perhaps he thought the rain would wash away all the detritus that is sticking to him🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

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Enjoy the peace of the Ocean Alasdair, a most deserving getaway💪💪

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I would like Alasdair or anyone here explain how the big eight traders control the price of Gold and Silver by shorting. If a major player buys naked or by borrowing he has to sell back. How can he control the price when selling . . Please excuse my simplicity. Here is an explnation I saw on "Quora" which I still could not understand.

>> When these big players want to manipulate a market , especially in silver, they are not buying , selling, or hedging with real silver. Its all on paper only. Gambling in paper Derivatives has become the biggest scam ever. Multiple Quadrillion of dollars are in play. So yes, if things go south defaults are expected. But, so what? They will just paper over it and keep playing. Entire monetary systems fail or are replaced all the time. Germany alone did it in 1924, 1946, 1963 ( iron curtain), and most of Europe did it again in 1989 with the euro. We are seeing it now with SDRs at the international level. Keep some real tangle wealth in your pocket and don't gamble (invest) more than you can afford to lose. Oh, and pray like the rest of us for some monetary and financial justice.<<

It reads as though they never have to pay fo the Silver\ >>>sincerely Paul Scott

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Shorting expands paper supply, absorbing buying interest without the price having to rise to balance supply and demand. It will of course rise somewhat, but only to deter too much buying. Generally, the bullion banks and market makers will expand supply until all buying is absorbed. At that point, just by marking down prices, speculators positions can be washed out. This is why a high level of open interest is associated with an overbought condition, and low OI with an oversold one.

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Basel III has made it much more difficult for tptb to manipulate gold. But Basel III was promoted by the BIS. Why did tptb allow this?

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There is of course no ' Basel III ' framework as covers Silver in the way it does with Gold ( now being a Tier 1 asset ) - and consequently neither is there any ' NSFR ' requirement applied to Silver either .......Least ways at this point in time there isn't , but may possibly change should Silver ever be re-categorised as a ' Strategic Metal '

and were anything on the lines of a ' Bi-Metallic Standard ' ever to see the light of day ever again .

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thank you Alasdair M. I can see I have some homework to do . My classical education and fluency in Latin from fifty years ago have not been much help here.

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Enjoy my friend, enjoy!

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Thank you Alasdair, short and sweet.

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Somebody should invent a game to explain all this stuff in a real & amusing way. I’d buy it. Alasdair?

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Could you comment next on the jump in the yield of the 30 Year T-Bond?

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